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             FROM THE



Share the gospel at all times, use words only when necessary.”

Saint Francis of Assisi has been credited with using this phrase centuries ago. What is so interesting is how these words echo the recent Easter text, John 21:15-17, read in worship a week ago. Peter and Jesus are on the beach and breakfast is over. The fellowship of fish and bread has touched them to the core. Peter has come to accept that this is the Risen One.

Then the grilling begins. “Peter do you love me?” Peter responds, “Yes Lord you know I do.” “Feed my sheep,” replies Jesus. It continues on for two more grueling phrases. Jesus: “Do you love me?” Peter; “Yes Lord you know I do.” Jesus: “Then tend my lambs.” Jesus: “Simon Peter son of John, do you love me?” Peter a bit hurt responds, “Lord you know everything; you know I love you!” Jesus: “Feed my sheep.”

The point driven home to Peter and the other believers within the early community was the challenge to tend and care for all whom Jesus had loved. Jesus had spoken to, eaten with, healed and held, the sinners and broken of Jerusalem and Galilee. Many lives had been changed and all were wondering what now would happen. Disband because it had not turned out as expected? Go back to old ways and hope for the best? Or begin to tend and care for one another and for those whom Jesus had so dearly loved. The lost and forsaken, the poor and widowed, those who knew the need for new hearts and renewed lives.

Thus, we see the beginning of the fledgling church with all the challenges of leadership, finding common purpose, and discovering how to listen for the voice of Jesus through the work of the Spirit.

We know these same challenges. Do we stay and work together even when things are not as expected and have changed? Do we go back to previous ways and hope for the best? What do we believe our call to be as a community? We ask these questions and seek the Spirits help to discover the answers. But we do not stop responding to the everyday needs or those God has put in our lives by connection or through happen stance. ‘Feed; Care; Tend my sheep’ Jesus said. He was depending on them to be his loving and caring presence. Now we are the ones challenged to carry on the mission. This lesson with Peter adds: don’t just say you love; show it by your actions.

Sydney Harris newspaper columnist in Chicago in the mid-part of the 20th century, once told about a time he gave a talk on creative writing to a group of amateur writers. Afterwards, someone asked, “Mr. Harris, what do you do when you don’t feel like writing?” “I write,” he answered. “That’s the difference between an amateur and a professional. I write even when I don’t feel like writing.”

Commitment to the task and not retreat to safe harbor is the task before us. And we know the Spirit of Pentecost leads and calls us forward to grace and the gift of another day to be about the agenda Jesus has for us.

Pastor Robyn