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             FROM THE


Give it away’

'As we live We can entertain compassion

moving side by side for a world in need

may we learn to serve but the road of good intention

learn to sacrifice doesn't lead anywhere.

Cause love isn't love till you give it away.

You gotta give it away. '

Michael W. Smith

In the fall of 2011 we considered what it meant to take literally Jesus' call to 'Love our neighbor '. We reflected on how well we did know those who live around us, their needs , concerns, and dreams. Many of you spoke of conversations with neighbors that had led to new insights as to what it means to be Neighbor. What does it mean to revisit this call of Christ this spring? Often we see much more of our neighbors in the warm weather due to being out mowing and tending yards. What a great time to say hello. Our neighbor calls with the first bear sighting of the year to alert us to our possible visit from the bear clan who walk our neighborhood!

The Easter season guides our steps till we reach the end of May. Our scripture lessons are full of joyful sightings of Jesus. He appears again and again showing his followers then and now that he is Risen indeed and will continue to appear till He returns in glory.

Pentecost at the end of May challenges us to remember that we are the ones Sent Out to witness to the Good News of Christ's resurrection. We are the ones who have experiences the love and mercy of our God. The next step is to 'Give it away'.

How will we be the hands and feet of Christ this spring? Will you fold willing hands in prayer for the needs of our community and for concerns of many far beyond our walls? What about serving meals, preparing music, welcoming strangers, or lending a steadying hand? The possibilities of being the GOOD News are as endless as our imaginations will take us. O to give it away!

This Pentecost we invite you to be a part of 'Giving it away' by committing a few hours on Sunday, May 20th, to specific projects we will be putting together to help Church friends and neighbors who need some assistance in clean up and post winter assistance. Hands and feet working to clean a yard or clear a gutter, bringing a meal to one in need, or a fresh plate of cookies to a shut in. Maybe a meal for folks in dire straits? Think of the possibilities and the blessings we will receive by sharing what we have. Our hands and our feet, our smiles and laughter which can mean hope for today.

If you know of someone who can use some simple help let Deacons or Outreach Team know.

'Dove: with teeth, wind: with direction, fire: with intent;

this energy of God moves beyond prosaic symbols into

potent dreams that shift everything'

Pastor Rob

Abbotsford, Scotland