We are
all stunned by the devastating, 7.0 earthquake that hit the impoverished
nation of Haiti this past week on Tuesday, January 12th. Many of
our churches in this Presbytery have been deeply involved in ministry to
Haiti; our hearts are breaking.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is working to respond to the
aftermath of this quake. We appreciate the work of PDA because it becomes a
true witness for Christ. Not only are we helping to feed the hungry, clothe
the naked, provide medicine to those who are sick, but we are doing it all
in the name of Jesus Christ.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is hoping to receive a million dollars in
donations for Haiti. If you wish to donate to this cause please use the
designated account number of DR000064. You may make donations through your
church or the Presbytery Office (this way your church will get credit toward
Mission Giving), or send to:
Remember to distinctly mark your donation with the account number for Haiti
~~~~~~Immediate Need~~~~~~
Our congregation would like to collect clothes,
food or supplies. How can we respond with
material resources?
Please prepare Gift of the Heart Hygiene Kits
and Baby Kits, and avoid other material
Donations of
clothing and other materials are generally not
appropriate for disaster response. Warehouse
space and transportation costs must be focused
on critically needed supplies.
Review the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Material Aid Policy.
While PDA is
discouraging sending material resources, we are
encouraging individuals and congregations to
assemble Gift of the Heart kits. Working in
cooperation with our ecumenical partner Church
World Service, a shipment of hygiene kits (to
provide individuals with basic necessities) and
baby kits are being sent to Haiti. This may
deplete the stock, and additional kits will be
needed to be ready for immediate shipment when a
disaster strikes.
Instructions for assembling and shipping hygiene
kits and baby kits.
Note: Please
contact Rachel Ostrander with questions. |
We pray for Haiti
The Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) is responding in Haiti.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has already sent
funds and is working in cooperation with our
ecumenical partners on the ground to provide
emergency food, water, shelter and medical supplies.
Please pray for those affected and give to the
ongoing relief through
PDA account number DR000064. Gifts can also be
made by phone at (800) 872-3283, and checks can be
mailed to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, P.O. Box
643700, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.
© 2010 Glen Avon Presbyterian Church
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